From the Paycheck Protection Program to Personal Protective Equipment; let's all stay persistent, patient, passionate as we deal with this COVID 19 epidemic.
There is a lot going on in 2020 and as a landscaping company working in the same environment as everyone else, we want to wish all the businesses that are continuing to manage during this time, to keep plugging away at what makes you unique, but please also remain aware of the looming threat of the current environment dealing with this pandemic.
I truly believe that the passion that we all have for our future plans and goals, as well as remaining faithful that you will maintain proper footing during this time is what will be very important to come through on the other side durig this period.
From a landscaping stand point, we are still here mainly focused on helping our clients meet the goals of their property, while still taking the proper precautions during this time. Fall and Winter season is approaching and there's no telling how this cold season will transpire during this unprecedented and also the fact that the snow season was very mild last year.
If there are still projects yet to be accomplished that are imperative to still complete in the near future, let us know if you are looking for help to complete your plans.